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Avionics Software

In 2007, MANNARINO expanded its capabilities to include systems and software engineering for aircraft avionics, and has been involved in the following avionics programs:

  • Software Development and Verification of a Multifunction Control and Display Unit (MCDU), and a Fuel Management Panel (FMP) to RTCA/DO-178B Level C guidelines
  • RTCA/DO-178B Level C formal software verification of a GPS/GLSSU system
  • Program Management of the next-generation integrated avionics suite
  • Pictures-to-Code (code generation) workshop
  • Fly-By-Wire Software Development Program (Gulfstream G650)
  • Software for an aircraft Stall Warning System (Sukhoi SuperJet100)
  • Flight Management Guidance Computer (Airbus A320)
  • Engineering Systems and Software Support (Bombardier Learjet 85)
  • Simulator Software Projects (Cockpit Simulator and Mission Computer)

Software Development and Verification of a Multifunction Control and Display Unit (MCDU)

Working with a world leader in the design, manufacture, sales and support of high-technology electronic products for the aviation and global positioning market, MANNARINO has been collaborating in the program management and software engineering of multiple avionics programs, including the design and development of multi-purpose control and display unit (MCDU) Back Lighting Module.

MANNARINO was responsible for this program from start to finish: from writing the program certification planning documents, to developing requirements and code, to full verification activity to RTCA/DO-178B Level C guidelines.

Software Development and Verification of a Fuel Management Panel (FMP)

Based on the successful Back Lighting Module program, MANNARINO was once again selected to deliver all the development and verification RTCA/DO-178B Level C life cycle data (including software design) for the embedded software of the Boeing C-135FR and KC-135R Fuel Management Panel.

Formal Software Verification of a GPS/GLSSU System

MANNARINO was selected to supply on-site systems/software engineers/analysts to work with the customer’s internal engineering team to complete the low-level and high-level requirements formal verification (RTCA/DO-178B) of their next generation Global Positioning System (GPS) and GPS Landing System Sensor Unit (GLSSU).

Program Management of the Next-Generation Integrated Avionics Suite

Based on our strong Program Management/Engineering background, members of the MANNARINO senior management team were asked to work in conjunction with the senior management team of a leading Canadian avionics manufacturer for a period of several months in support of their efforts in developing a next generation integrated avionics suite.

Pictures-to-Code (code generation) Workshop

MANNARINO was asked by a leading avionics manufacturer to conduct a one-day workshop for its engineering staff on the various pictures-to-code tools and the benefits of each. This is a workshop that can be offered to any customers who require this information.

Fly-By-Wire Development Program (Gulfstream G650)

MANNARINO was selected by a leading avionics manufacturer to assist with the systems and software verification for a fly-by-wire flight control computer. Aggressive program schedules to deliver a system for first flight resulted in MANNARINO personnel working multiple verification work packages, both on-site and within MANNARINO’s engineering offices.

MANNARINO’s contributions for the Safety of Flight clearance included:

  • System integration testing and verification of high-level software requirements on a closed loop bench
  • Verification of hardware/software interfaces
  • Test vector verification of the Flight Control Computer (FCC) control laws
  • Review of high-level software requirements traceability to the system specifications

Software for an Aircraft Stall Warning System (Sukhoi SuperJet100)

Based on its performance on the Gulfstream 650 program, MANNARINO was once again selected to support the software development of the SJ100 Stall Warning System. MANNARINO software engineers have collaborated with customer personnel to update program plans, verify compliance with the program’s Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) software standards, configuration and interface requirements, as well as update software build instructions.

Flight Management Guidance Computer (Airbus A320)

MANNARINO was selected to perform hardware and software integration testing, both at the customer site and within the MANNARINO offices.

Systems and Software Engineering Support (Bombardier Learjet 85)

MANNARINO was selected to provide on-site systems engineering support including Software Requirements Specification (SRS) development and requirements definition.
