In 2007, MANNARINO expanded its capabilities to include systems and software engineering for aircraft avionics, and has been involved in the following avionics programs:
- Software Development and Verification of a Multifunction Control and Display Unit (MCDU), and a Fuel Management Panel (FMP) to RTCA/DO-178B Level C guidelines
- RTCA/DO-178B Level C formal software verification of a GPS/GLSSU system
- Program Management of the next-generation integrated avionics suite
- Pictures-to-Code (code generation) workshop
- Fly-By-Wire Software Development Program (Gulfstream G650)
- Software for an aircraft Stall Warning System (Sukhoi SuperJet100)
- Flight Management Guidance Computer (Airbus A320)
- Engineering Systems and Software Support (Bombardier Learjet 85)
- Simulator Software Projects (Cockpit Simulator and Mission Computer)